I've been watching for bookcases as such for funishing the school room for a while now, and last week I finally found what I wanted at the price I wanted.
I bid in an online auction for discarded school items, and was able to get home 9 file cabinets, 6 tables, 7 bookcases, 1 bookcase cabinet, and 2 rolling double sided bookcases. I also got around 30 student desks which I'm selling off to help cover my costs. I left a lot more there too - we just didn't have room in the truck for everything so I had to pick what I needed most.
So this weekend will be selling up our school room with bookcases, Sweetheart's desk, a small desk for me, and getting all our books on shelves {which will be a new concept for Sweetheart - they've been in boxes for so long since we didn't have enough room}. Then hopefully next week I'm going to start on a big inventory and re-enter everything into LibraryThing, adding in what shelf it's on and tags for subjects and grade levels.
Then we'll be working on setting up my office with all the file cabinets and a table we got as well, so that I have room for lesson planning and my couponing without it taking over a big part of the living room like it is currently.
I can't wait until it's all done and set up - I'll take pics and post them here.
Any tips or ideas for setting it up?
How exciting:) Bookcases!!!