Wow it's been a while since I posted! I've been so busy with back to school shopping and making sure we have everything we need at the last minute.
School for us starts in exactly one month. Sweetheart is excited, and she's going to get even more excited on the first day of school. We've signed up for a local homeschool PE class done through the city, and it happen to have it's first meeting on our first day of school {we were planning on a picnic at the park so this fits in perfectly}. And then the next day, we're going to the coolest place in town to start the school year - The KIDDIE PARK! It's a lovely vintage kiddie park we have here in town with rides dating back as far as 1918, and a local tradition to take your kids. I scored half price endless ride bands on Groupon, so it's actually on coming out to about $8 to take her, including bus fare to get there.Then Friday we're taking a Field Trip to see a Dinosaur exhibit at a local museum that is done by Dinosaur George!
Then we'll start actual lessons the following week - our week looks like this:
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday:
Reading - Saint of the Day and Read-aloud within our Yearly Reading Theme {this year it's Thornton Burgess and related works including Beatrix Potter}
Phonics - CHC Little Stories for Little Folks and Letters for Little Folks
Math - Little Folks Number Practice or MCP Math K depending on day
Religion - God's Love Story {CHC} or Who Am I? Depending on day
Reading - Saint of the Day and Read-aloud within theme
Religion - Saint of the week {we're doing two a week, relating to the letters of the week in Little Folks Letter Practice}
PE - Homeschool PE for 1.5 hours
Arts & Crafts
My discoveries and daily life as a home school mom.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Still working in the school room.....part two....
We're STILL working in the school room - I really had hoped to be all done by now. But between culling books, sorting out duplicates, potty training Sweetheart, my Father getting released from a rehab facility, and dealing with people in and out for him, it's still not finished.
I did run into a slight snag on my wonderful oversize bookcases - I need to put up wall anchors as when they are loaded they lean out. I've no idea how to do that honestly - we've never had to do it before. And I need to go to Lowes and get shelves cut for the two bookcases that I didn't get the shelves with.
I am making progress though, and it's beginning to look more like a school room instead of playroom.
I've also been taking time to work on our lesson plans for this fall. We're using CHC pretty much as written for K, with the addition of our read aloud theme for the year and field trips. But I'm setting everything up in file folders for each day/week with everything in them, so all I have to do is pull the correct file folder and it will have an outline of the week with each days work, including coloring pages, craft activities, etc included in the folder.
I did run into a slight snag on my wonderful oversize bookcases - I need to put up wall anchors as when they are loaded they lean out. I've no idea how to do that honestly - we've never had to do it before. And I need to go to Lowes and get shelves cut for the two bookcases that I didn't get the shelves with.
I am making progress though, and it's beginning to look more like a school room instead of playroom.
I've also been taking time to work on our lesson plans for this fall. We're using CHC pretty much as written for K, with the addition of our read aloud theme for the year and field trips. But I'm setting everything up in file folders for each day/week with everything in them, so all I have to do is pull the correct file folder and it will have an outline of the week with each days work, including coloring pages, craft activities, etc included in the folder.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Still working in the school room.....
We're still working in the school room.... I really hoped to be done by now. But we're getting there - now I just need to move in the rest of the bookcases, shelve the books which are already in there in totes, and set up my desk. As soon as I find my cable for the digital camera I'll take some in-progress photos to post up.
I'm still trying to find a place to put the two rolling double sided bookcases - I really didn't figure on the other bookcases being in good shape as they were described as damaged, but they are like new other than the risers having been added {which we're removing}. They won't fit down our hall, so they can't go in the school room - only in the living room. I may end up keeping one for living room storage and cookbooks, and selling the other one.
It's looking better, slowly but surely. I didn't get much done yesterday as I had people coming by to buy auction items all day {YAY!} - but the garage is slowly clearing out as well which is good. I think the last of it should go when we have our yard sale next month.
I did get some treats yesterday in the mail from Bookmooch, The Read-Aloud Handbook: Sixth Edition
and Storybook Treasury of Dick and Jane and Friends
for Sweetheart.
I'm still trying to find a place to put the two rolling double sided bookcases - I really didn't figure on the other bookcases being in good shape as they were described as damaged, but they are like new other than the risers having been added {which we're removing}. They won't fit down our hall, so they can't go in the school room - only in the living room. I may end up keeping one for living room storage and cookbooks, and selling the other one.
It's looking better, slowly but surely. I didn't get much done yesterday as I had people coming by to buy auction items all day {YAY!} - but the garage is slowly clearing out as well which is good. I think the last of it should go when we have our yard sale next month.
I did get some treats yesterday in the mail from Bookmooch, The Read-Aloud Handbook: Sixth Edition
Sunday, June 13, 2010
School Room Update
Moving furniture is taking a bit longer than expected - it turned out the bookcases we won in the auction only fit down our hall if we take the risers off. That's far easier said than done, so we're working on what we can in the meantime.
So far we've moved in 3 four drawer file cabinets {1 for school, one for my coupons, and one for general family paperwork}, one bookcase, and filled said bookcase. Another bookcase is slated to be moved in sometime today, as is a table and a short shelf. I've decided to move my office back into the school room to allow me to work while Sweetheart is doing schoolwork, so that has added to the moving time.
But I'm working on it - hope to have it done within the week. Of course that depends on life in general, but hopefully.
So far we've moved in 3 four drawer file cabinets {1 for school, one for my coupons, and one for general family paperwork}, one bookcase, and filled said bookcase. Another bookcase is slated to be moved in sometime today, as is a table and a short shelf. I've decided to move my office back into the school room to allow me to work while Sweetheart is doing schoolwork, so that has added to the moving time.
But I'm working on it - hope to have it done within the week. Of course that depends on life in general, but hopefully.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Furnishing the School Room Frugally!
I've been watching for bookcases as such for funishing the school room for a while now, and last week I finally found what I wanted at the price I wanted.
I bid in an online auction for discarded school items, and was able to get home 9 file cabinets, 6 tables, 7 bookcases, 1 bookcase cabinet, and 2 rolling double sided bookcases. I also got around 30 student desks which I'm selling off to help cover my costs. I left a lot more there too - we just didn't have room in the truck for everything so I had to pick what I needed most.
So this weekend will be selling up our school room with bookcases, Sweetheart's desk, a small desk for me, and getting all our books on shelves {which will be a new concept for Sweetheart - they've been in boxes for so long since we didn't have enough room}. Then hopefully next week I'm going to start on a big inventory and re-enter everything into LibraryThing, adding in what shelf it's on and tags for subjects and grade levels.
Then we'll be working on setting up my office with all the file cabinets and a table we got as well, so that I have room for lesson planning and my couponing without it taking over a big part of the living room like it is currently.
I can't wait until it's all done and set up - I'll take pics and post them here.
Any tips or ideas for setting it up?
I bid in an online auction for discarded school items, and was able to get home 9 file cabinets, 6 tables, 7 bookcases, 1 bookcase cabinet, and 2 rolling double sided bookcases. I also got around 30 student desks which I'm selling off to help cover my costs. I left a lot more there too - we just didn't have room in the truck for everything so I had to pick what I needed most.
So this weekend will be selling up our school room with bookcases, Sweetheart's desk, a small desk for me, and getting all our books on shelves {which will be a new concept for Sweetheart - they've been in boxes for so long since we didn't have enough room}. Then hopefully next week I'm going to start on a big inventory and re-enter everything into LibraryThing, adding in what shelf it's on and tags for subjects and grade levels.
Then we'll be working on setting up my office with all the file cabinets and a table we got as well, so that I have room for lesson planning and my couponing without it taking over a big part of the living room like it is currently.
I can't wait until it's all done and set up - I'll take pics and post them here.
Any tips or ideas for setting it up?
Monday, May 31, 2010
Getting for a New Year Home Schooling
We're gearing up for Sweetheart's Kindergarten year this fall, and I'm almost done tweaking the lesson plans to better fit us. We're using CHC with a tiny bit of alterations and add-ins.
So far we're using:
Catholic Heritage Curricula Kindergarten Lesson Plans
A Year With God
St. Joseph Picture Books
Who Am I?
Image of God Kindergarten
God's Love Story from CHC
Catholic Children's Treasure Box
Vol. 1-10
Catholic Children's Treasure Box Vols. 11-20: Commonly Called Simply Treasure Box
Little Book of Saints, Volume 1
Little Book of Saints, Vol. II
Reading & Phonics:
Little Stories for Little Folks from CHC
We discovered Thornton Burgess recently thanks to a book from our thrift shop, and I've decided to make him the read-aloud theme for the year. So we'll be reading his works including the following:
Favorite Thornton Burgess Animal Stories Boxed Set (Sets)
Old Mother West Wind and 6 Other Stories (Children's Thrift Classics)
The Adventures of Paddy the Beaver
The Adventures of Prickly Porky
The Adventures of Bobby Raccoon (Dover Children's Thrift Classics)
Lightfoot the Deer
Mother West Wind's Neighbors
Adventures of Reddy Fox
The Adventures of Poor Mrs. Quack
Blacky the Crow,
The Adventures of Sammy Jay (Childrens's Thrifts)
The Adventures of Buster Bear
The Adventures of Old Mr. Toad
The Adventures of Jimmy Skunk
Mother West Wind'S Animal Friends
Happy Jack
The Adventures of Unc' Billy Possum
Whitefoot the Wood Mouse
Mrs. Peter Rabbit
We'll also be reading The complete Tales of Peter Rabbit
by Beatrix Potter which dovetails nicely as Burgess continued the story of Peter Rabbit in his works.
Little Folks Number Practice from CHC
MCP Math K
Little Folks Letter Practice from CHC
Catholic Heritage Handwriting K
And of course lots of Field Trips and extra fun activities as well for the year. We already have planned two trips to the Witte Museum, to see their Dinosaurs Unleashed and Backyard Monsters {Insects} exhibits. I know in February we'll attend the annual Pow-wow, and we'll try to fit in a Fiesta event or two as well. And of course, the first Saturday in March we'll be at the Alamo for the annual re-enactment and celebration - we've gone every year since Sweetheart was born.
I'm going to try to keep this blog updated better with my frugal tips and more details on how we school as well.
One thing you may notice in this post - all products are now directly linked to either CHC or Amazon. I linked to Amazon where possible - don't forget to use your Swagbucks gift cards! And please consider purchasing through the Amazon links as they do generate me a small referral commission which helps cover my home schooling costs and is our field-trip budget for the year.
So far we're using:
Catholic Heritage Curricula Kindergarten Lesson Plans
A Year With God
St. Joseph Picture Books
Who Am I?
God's Love Story from CHC
Catholic Children's Treasure Box
Catholic Children's Treasure Box Vols. 11-20: Commonly Called Simply Treasure Box
Little Book of Saints, Volume 1
Little Book of Saints, Vol. II
Reading & Phonics:
Little Stories for Little Folks from CHC
We discovered Thornton Burgess recently thanks to a book from our thrift shop, and I've decided to make him the read-aloud theme for the year. So we'll be reading his works including the following:
Favorite Thornton Burgess Animal Stories Boxed Set (Sets)
Old Mother West Wind and 6 Other Stories (Children's Thrift Classics)
The Adventures of Paddy the Beaver
The Adventures of Prickly Porky
The Adventures of Bobby Raccoon (Dover Children's Thrift Classics)
Lightfoot the Deer
Mother West Wind's Neighbors
Adventures of Reddy Fox
The Adventures of Poor Mrs. Quack
Blacky the Crow,
The Adventures of Sammy Jay (Childrens's Thrifts)
The Adventures of Buster Bear
The Adventures of Old Mr. Toad
The Adventures of Jimmy Skunk
Mother West Wind'S Animal Friends
Happy Jack
The Adventures of Unc' Billy Possum
Whitefoot the Wood Mouse
Mrs. Peter Rabbit
We'll also be reading The complete Tales of Peter Rabbit
Little Folks Number Practice from CHC
MCP Math K
Little Folks Letter Practice from CHC
Catholic Heritage Handwriting K
And of course lots of Field Trips and extra fun activities as well for the year. We already have planned two trips to the Witte Museum, to see their Dinosaurs Unleashed and Backyard Monsters {Insects} exhibits. I know in February we'll attend the annual Pow-wow, and we'll try to fit in a Fiesta event or two as well. And of course, the first Saturday in March we'll be at the Alamo for the annual re-enactment and celebration - we've gone every year since Sweetheart was born.
I'm going to try to keep this blog updated better with my frugal tips and more details on how we school as well.
One thing you may notice in this post - all products are now directly linked to either CHC or Amazon. I linked to Amazon where possible - don't forget to use your Swagbucks gift cards! And please consider purchasing through the Amazon links as they do generate me a small referral commission which helps cover my home schooling costs and is our field-trip budget for the year.
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