~~ 1 ~~
Tomorrow is my daughter's 3rd birthday, and I haven't even wrapped the presents yet. The cake is ordered, but I fell through on the topper so I'm just going to cut out a design from a notebook and put it on the top. She's having a Vintage Strawberry Shortcake party, since it is impossible to find anything birthday related from Miffy, who was her first choice. She's getting a bunch of Strawberry Shortcake stuff {purse, hair clips, pens, stickers, etc} thanks to .99 Only, A Thomas The Tank Engine Comforter {To match her Thomas Pillows and Pillowcases} thanks to the thrift shop, and a few new toys from Walgreens.
~~ 2 ~~
I've come to the realization that while yes, Sweetheart is mentally ready for Kindergarten level work, physically she just is not there yet. Trying to get her to sit down for a 10 minute lesson would be a struggle at this point, as she is going through another constant movement phase in addition to the terrible two's and trying to potty train. So while I have everything for Kindergarten ready - we're going to wait a while. If by New Year's I think she's ready we'll start then, if not well then it will be Fall 2010. But we are going to do a lot more pre-school type stuff this winter either way: lots of Coloring, field trips to the Zoo & Botanical Gardens, Storytime at the Library, and maybe to the HEB Science Treehouse as well.
~~ 3 ~~
On the topic of Potty Training - any tips? We started trying to train Sweetheart at around 18 months old, and she got it fairly well then for #1. But then my mother who lives with us had a stroke, and we stopped for a while due to juggling her medical care. We've been trying to train again for the last few months, and it just isn't working. She gets the concept, can explain exactly how one goes potty like a big girl, but refuses to do it. Nothign has worked so far - even the offer of a trip back to Six Flags to the Carosel she was enthralled with - has worked. I'm at my wits end. We are trying a new tactic though this week - cloth training pants during the day instead of Huggies Pull-ups. She does at least want them changed right away now instead of using them like a diaper.
~~ 4 ~~
On the topic of Faith, some of you know I'm a reverted convert to Catholicism. I converted in college, but then fell away from the Church for a few years, during which my daughter was born. Now I'm trying to return to the faith, and finding it an uphill battle. I want to get my daughter baptized, but need to attend Mass {and apparently tithe to show I was attending, but that's a discussion for another day} for three to six months weekly {while caring for two elderly parents with medical issues, and a 3 year old who gets quite loud}, attend classes, and find two Godparents. It's the Godparents that really put a hitch in things - I have next to no Catholic friends locally, and the few I do have I don't want as my daughter's Godparents. So I'm in a bit of a pickle.
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It's been raining for 4 days now, and it's begining to get muddy. After an entire summer with no rain {we are somewhere around 18 inches short on rain this year} it's very odd to hear rain on the roof. Now we'll have to mow the lawn, which we haven't mowed in around nine months because the grass quit growing due to lack of water. And yet - we're still under water restrictions. I'm hoping for more rain, but not tmorrow morning when I have to run down to get Sweetheart's birthday cake at the store two miles away, since I make the run in my power wheelchair. And Power Wheelchairs and water do not mix well.
~~ 6 ~~
I remember what I was doing 8 years ago today - sitting in AP English IV in high school, and we had a TV in our classroom. The special ed was next door, and the teacher came running over and said turn on the TV they attacked New York City. Everything pretty much shut down at school - I don't think we even changed classes at all that day. And the guy I was dating long distance, was in the military and I was so worried about him. Funny - I don't even know where he is now.
~~ 7 ~~
Funny how time changes things, three years ago today I was trying to get labor started since my water had broke, but desperately not wanting my daughter born on 9/11. She ended up being born on the morning of the 12th, just in time for breakfast. And life has never been the same since.
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